Where to Eat in Paris?

We are in Paris. I’ve eaten most of what I want to eat and now I have less than 24 hours left. Only a few meals to go, so where should I go to eat and what snacks should I be looking for? Give all your suggestions in the comments.

Make Sure to Watch the Fish and Dragon Festival 2022

The Fish and Dragon Festival is an annual event that showcases Chinese culture in Barbados. Normally the event is an in-person activity, with all sorts of performances and food but this year they have moved it to an online platform to be enjoyed by all. This year I was fortunate enough to take part in…

Happy New Year

Well we made it to the New Year guys, Congrats! All the best for 2021 and for the love of god please don’t eat any questionable bats.

400 Followers on Instagram!

Thank you so much! We hit FOUR HUNDRED FOLLOWERS on Instagram. It is an awesome achievement and I couldn’t say a bigger THANK YOU to everyone who interacts with us. This is what it is all about, creating a community of foodies who love everything about food. We have been making quite a few of…

Join Us on Instagram

We are sitting at 399 followers on Instagram. It would be awesome if we could finally hit 400 followers. If you aren’t following us yet, now is the time. If you are following us can you please share this post asking your friends to follow us too? It would be a great help and maybe…

Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone has a safe Halloween and feels no shame about eating all the candy.

Travel: London Suggestions?

Hey guys, we will be heading back to London soon and were hopping for a few suggestions of great food to eat there. Where are your favorite places to eat? What are some of the most unique dining experiences in London? British food does not have the greatest reputation but I would love to get…

Current State of Affairs, Part 4

Another year, another check in. Part 4… that is wild. If you have been following the blog, you may have noticed that content has been incredibly inconsistent. This is partly due to the fact that globally every thing is awful and doing anything feels impossible but also because that was kind of the plan. In…

The Complexities of The Momo

Traveling opens you up to new experiences. These experiences can profoundly impact your understanding of the world. I had one of these experiences in Nepal with the humble momo dumpling. Momos are one of the most popular foods in Nepal. Not only is it cheap and versatile, it also has a very long history. The…

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! To all the motherly figures out there, thank you for the support. You are awesome and we hope you get all the good food today. Eat up, it is all for you.