Current State of Affairs, Part 4

Another year, another check in. Part 4… that is wild. If you have been following the blog, you may have noticed that content has been incredibly inconsistent. This is partly due to the fact that globally every thing is awful and doing anything feels impossible but also because that was kind of the plan. In…

Current State of Affairs, Part 3

After almost three years, we are finally finding some direction with the blog and figuring out what we are doing here. It is pretty easy to look at something like a blog and think anyone can do it because it is so accessible. However, a lot more goes into it than you would ever know…

Current State Of Affairs, Part 2

Almost a year ago I wrote the first ‘Current State Of Affairs‘. After a year of blogging, a lot of improvements have been made but for the most part not that much has changed. There are so many aspects to blogging that it still feels incredibly overwhelming. Much of what I do here is very…