Closed for Covid

Tonight we closed the doors to our restaurant. It will be closed for at least two weeks and I am overwhelmed with anxiety. This isn’t the first time we closed for Covid. The first time was tough but this time somehow feels worse. The first time it was all new and it was scary but…

The Three Sisters Garden

Once upon a time, there were three wild sisters; Corn, Beans and Squash. They lived together in a field away from strangers. The sisters were all different but loved each other dearly. The first sister, Corn, was tall, beautiful and protective. While the second sister, Squash, enjoyed spending her time bathing in the sun and…

The Unfortunate Dilemma of Getting a Hot Dog

It is just after midnight and my day is finally winding down. I’m not ready for bed but I am in bed, then my belly decides to rumble. I’m not terribly hungry but I worked out today and it seems like my body is demanding a little extra sustenance. I could really go for a…

Cooking As An Antidepressant

On family vacation in Orlando we were hanging out at the hotel pool. It was a crazy sunny day so we decided the best course of action was to sit by the pool and bake in the sun. The kids took this opportunity to go up and down the pool slide endlessly. After about two…