The Importance of Eating At The Dinner Table.

We recently bought a dinner table. Nothing big, just a small four-seater that moves if you push on it too hard. There is nothing particularly special about the table and to be honest the construction is a bit questionable, however, I love it.

Before we had a large three seat, triangular monstrosity. I hated it because it didn’t allow for all the people in our household to sit together. If all four of us wanted to eat together it would have to be on the couch because then at least there would be enough space. I didn’t realize it at the time but I hate eating in front of the tv. Not snacking; eating popcorn or chips. Proper eating. Something with a fork, possibly a knife if you are feeling fancy. Those meals should be eaten at the table, preferably with someone that you can talk to about your day. It is pretty common to eat in front of the tv. I get it. It is easy and entertaining. But I like the people in my life more than the people on my tv. Their stories may be more mundane but they are immensely more important. I’d rather know about the side stories of the characters in my life over the ridiculous tales of Riverdale.

I love getting to know people over food. That’s my thing, not cooking, not cleaning after, the talking with a half full mouth trying to swallow before you laugh. Through out the day we usually have the ability to be in constant communication with each other, but how often do we use that ability to actually talk. Not about anything particularly important but just communicate. Everyone sitting at the dinner table gives you that opportunity. As social creatures, if there is a silence, we try to fill it with something other than chewing, so we talk. We say random things just to fill the void. More often than not that’s enough to spark a meal full of conversation.

However, it isn’t all about the conversation. Sitting down to dinner can show so much more than that. Who cooked dinner? Believe me, they didn’t have to, but they did. You should show them the respect to sit down with them and enjoy the meal they prepared for you. Did everyone help to set the table? Did someone get drinks for everyone? Who did the dishes after? These are all small ways to show the people around you that you care for them. That is way more important that numbing your brain on overly dramatic, staged dribble. If someone gets you a napkin without you asking, that person probably loves you. If you wash my dishes after I’ve cooked and eaten, I love you, cause I absolutely hate doing dishes.

All of this can come out of having a good table with adequate seating. Bonus points if you have extra seating and are actually able to invite friends over to join you. I haven’t gotten to that level of adulting yet, but I look forward to the day.

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